Himachal Pradesh or Uttarakhand, the States of demographical change.

An unscrupulous fact, which is being discussed in every corner of Devbhoomi and a blame lebelled against the Muslims that they have changed the demography and will make Devbhoomi an Islamic State. The accused muslims are labelled as “Bahari” and are from Uttar Pradesh and other States. They have come in Devbhoomi for merchandise and some of them settled. If they hadn’t come to Devbhoomi, their population is their respective states would have increased multifold and become a majority population otherwise. On the other hand, migration to any State of India is legal and constitutional and rightful than why is hue and cry in name of demographical change with falsehood. Many are crying that Hindus should produce 18 children to counter Muslim onslaught or jihad on population. Some are crying that Muslims have four wives and they have more children. Some are lebelling that Muslims are encroachers. The fact is, Muslims are those, who are Indian Citizens, believe in Allah and supposed to keep the things in order for His Blessings. His Blessings can’t be stopped by worldly forces, is a faith religiously, they enjoins. So they make masjids at their own cost to find that Blessings, in their religious and constitutional right. It symbolise their presence, which is the main reason of rightist Hindu groups unrest and they are blaming muslims constructed illegal mosques and demanding its removal in frantic agitations. But, they have also illegal mandirs all over the State and this is going for a long. Than, why is sudden outburst against Muslims to have illegal mosques. The elaborate reason is, they are counting Indian Muslims outsiders and would like to put them at bay socially and religiously. It is an unconstitutional uprising and Government of Himachal Pradesh should deal it judiciously to ensure the rights of Muslims residing in the State. False propaganda shouldn’t be encouraged. Following details is taken from wikipedia to Devbhoomi Muslim population for reference as under:

In Himachal Pradesh, the state’s Muslim population, now approximately 150,000, is served by over 500 mosques, with an average of one mosque for every 300 Muslims. Sirmaur district has the highest number of mosques at 130, followed by Chamba with 87, Kangra with 40, Bilaspur with 34, and Shimla with 30.mosques.

Muslim Population in Uttarakhand – Uttaranchal is 14.07 Lakhs (13.95 percent) of total 1.01 Crore. Christian Population in Uttarakhand – Uttaranchal is 37.78 Thousand (0.37 percent) of total 1.01 Crore. Muslims are minority in Uttarakhand state forming 13.95% of total population.

Muslims have the same constitutional rights of worship as Hindus and other religions, so any forceful adventuring of right Hindu groups should be dealt strictly by the Government of both States and Muslims should also put the things in order legally and shouldn’t be frightened with on-going situation.

By Khursheed Ahmed
